
there are some things you just do not do in front of me. i get pissed. and i am pissed at you now. i hate u.stop being so irritating before i really smack the daylights out of you and you wouldn't even know wad hit you.

i dun remember being online so frequently since my sec sch days. but den last time was for entertainment purposes. now, pw. it seriously is getting too far. why should i suffer at the hands of the computer because of pw? :-( the day of op is looming near, very near. i still stumble in my speech. and i wonder why do i have tt accent when i speak. can't i speak normally? i am schizoid man.. i'm going bonkers again. my results are still not back.

6 more days

thank you siyan for lending me the cd. Although you might not be able to see this entry and would need to copy and paste.. i still want to thank you.. haha.. for helping me save money.. @_@

thank you hailynn for helping me in my pw. thanks for the research you gave to my group. why did you do it for us.. so touching.. ~sob~whimper~

i need to recuperate.. my body's not taking my life as normal.. it's beginning to wear down. i'm getting more problems with my physical being now... i wonder wad's wrong.

*+*impossible is a possibility*+*'cos nothing is impossible*+* ~fee~
i like that phrase. it just hit me one night before i went to bed. and you know wad? it's actually true. and it provides a good debate for lulling people to sleep. i noe i did fell snoozing.

it was fun being a human alarm clock this morning. i woke zhanli up at 5am and den shuying at 6am. so fun. the last time i did this was when i woke my senior so that she wouldn't be late for our choir syf. it was really fun because i get to hear their woozy, muffled voices. it is the natural state man.. how often do you get to hear people's first words of the day? unless we live with them, that is.
