
Well, I'm finally back. Since 12th of December, i've been living either without a computer, or a computer without any/useless internet connection. Now that I'm back, look at all the things that happened. The tsunami is no doubt the most disturbing and heart-wrenching one. I've done my bit to help by doing flag day in the east area of sunny singapore. I wish i could support in other means, but i have no ability to do so....

first there was the marathon i participated in. it was a totally mind-blowing experience. I loved that and would not mind going again. but this time maybe in the k1. imagine me alone in the boat battling the high seas.. okay.. maybe not high seas, but high waves.. i do not mean the tsunami. our k2 girls pair got 6th and our k1 mens single got 4th.. not bad achievement ya? i'm proud of them.

my trainings haven' t been going too well.. i have no confidence at all when using the green boat. i'm so useless.... having to rely on others and troubling them at the same time to help me back to shore or on the boat. i sincerely thank all those who helped me. sadly, i think i do not deserve to use the green boat and have since left it awhile. i hope i can master it by the june race, where we can truly be one. otherwise, well, i hope someone else more worthy of it will use it and treasure it, use it to bring glory to him/herself and the team.

i went to taiwan this chinese new year. the whole week was a totally new experience for me. i cannot say i hate the place, neither do i love it. well, i feel to overwhelmed to describe it any further, but i promise i will.

my new classmates.. how should i say? we all miss sanjay, no doubt about that, but wif the new classmates, i guess the 'glue' is not there yet. wadever. more true selves are discovered and uncovered with each new experience.. each day a new beginning.
