Post no. 93 is dedicated to my dear CT class, 04A02.
How should I say this? I do not deny that I am an emotional person. I DO miss my dear, dear class. The past mths have been one of the best so far in my short duration on planet Earth. I say this because it is in PJC that I've felt truly appreciated and understood than I have ever been in any of my other schools. My CT, Mr Eddie Koh, has been more than a teacher and mentor to us. He's also a friend, a buddy, a person who have enriched our lives in many ways (even though sometimes we cannot understand what he's talking about). Dear Mr Koh, I thank you for just being there with us in PJC. Thank you for being part of my life. Thank you for that song you sang to us, your efforts of making your lessons more enjoyable and comfortable for us. My dear classmates, I seriously have not met quite a bunch of people as these. And I mean it in the positive manner. Come on, who gets to have as much fun as we do in 04A02? Right? We've got donkey and honkie, colonial master, a creamy teddy bear, cheena boy and not forgetting, mr square? Then we also got the bunch of mad, mina, ditzy, worry-wart, beautiful, "sexy", beanie and lian girls. How can we possibly not have fun? But that is not to say we only have fun all the time 'cos we mug hard too. Just check the times we were in the library and you'ld know. (Ya, our videos...) That's why I love my class so. We are simply capable of finding fun in work. I cried not because I can't bear to let go, but because I know that things will not be the same ever. The thought of something just being not there, it's like the death of someone close. It still exists, but just not exist too. My words just cannot express the full extent of my gratitude and feelings. The bond and times we shared are too much to be said in words. You know what I mean. 04A02, I am going to miss all of you dearly. (Not inclusive of natural disasters such as tsunamis and earthquakes.)
How should I say this? I do not deny that I am an emotional person. I DO miss my dear, dear class. The past mths have been one of the best so far in my short duration on planet Earth. I say this because it is in PJC that I've felt truly appreciated and understood than I have ever been in any of my other schools. My CT, Mr Eddie Koh, has been more than a teacher and mentor to us. He's also a friend, a buddy, a person who have enriched our lives in many ways (even though sometimes we cannot understand what he's talking about). Dear Mr Koh, I thank you for just being there with us in PJC. Thank you for being part of my life. Thank you for that song you sang to us, your efforts of making your lessons more enjoyable and comfortable for us. My dear classmates, I seriously have not met quite a bunch of people as these. And I mean it in the positive manner. Come on, who gets to have as much fun as we do in 04A02? Right? We've got donkey and honkie, colonial master, a creamy teddy bear, cheena boy and not forgetting, mr square? Then we also got the bunch of mad, mina, ditzy, worry-wart, beautiful, "sexy", beanie and lian girls. How can we possibly not have fun? But that is not to say we only have fun all the time 'cos we mug hard too. Just check the times we were in the library and you'ld know. (Ya, our videos...) That's why I love my class so. We are simply capable of finding fun in work. I cried not because I can't bear to let go, but because I know that things will not be the same ever. The thought of something just being not there, it's like the death of someone close. It still exists, but just not exist too. My words just cannot express the full extent of my gratitude and feelings. The bond and times we shared are too much to be said in words. You know what I mean. 04A02, I am going to miss all of you dearly. (Not inclusive of natural disasters such as tsunamis and earthquakes.)