Haha, just came back from the Canoe girls' gathering at Lot1. We took these neoprints after dinner at Ajisen Ramen. It's always like that; taking pictures is such a funny thing. Look at the pic qiying drew, putting all the funky hair...I almost died laughing. Well, it's qiying, as usual, she always does things that crack us up. Hmm.. xiaowen still looks the tannest among us. =b I think I wrote wrongly in the picture though.. I'm beginning to pick up jap from all that inuyasha. I've been watching so much that hearing English seemed weird to me, foreign sounding and all. Alrighty, going to try finish my book, Tomorrow Belongs To Me. It's quite weird and I'm still scratching my head even though I'm already halfway through the book. Oh well, shall see..