One of the pioneer juniors took this picture and uploaded it. Made me wonder how they managed to take this picture without any lashings or scoldings. They must have flirted with her to make her happy. LOL. Yes, this is the one and only Auntie Moley of PJC. She'll scream at you if you litter, forget to clear your plates or just do something that she deems wrong. Another thing is she's kaypo. So sometimes you will find her bending over your table just staring at what you are doing and stare at you. Provided that what you are doing is not dirtying the canteen, she might find it interesting enough to bother asking. But what scares me is when she stares at people, like Alistair, 'cos we think she might think that he's cute. I know vincent from s07 often flirts with her, as do leonard and zhanli? Makes her happy and it's so funny to see her behave in the coquettish way. HAHA. The way she drags the dustbins reminds us that one day she might fling it in our direction if we're not careful. LOL I made that one up. But, sometimes it feels that way, no? 'Cos she's our one and only, grumpy, auntie moley. Go MOLEY!