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Another sad day. Joey passed away just now. This dog's been there since I was young, and I was with him since he was a puppy. Now that he's gone, another part of my life is gone. He's had a cancerous lump under his left front foot since a few years back. And it just grew and grew. Then he couldn't use his leg properly when it grew too big. Just recently, my cousin took him to the vet to see what could be done 'cos Joey kept biting it till it bled. They managed to extract a bit of the liquid inside, but not completely. Then Joey still kept licking the wound, making it rot. It was a decision between amputating his foot or leaving it like that. Oh well, nothing was decided upon. And then he left. Coincidentally, it's a wednesday too. Same as my grandmother. I guess his passing is also a form of release for him. Maybe my grandmother brought him with her. Relieve him from the pain and suffering. Bless Joey. He'll be forever remembered by us fondly. Mayb he rest in peace at last.