Going clubbing tonight for the first time ever in my life so please all those whom I have called on for help, please just go so that I can spend my time talking instead of trying to blend into the wall. Will come back with more details later on this.
I just remembered something that I do not want to remember. In camp, we had to play a game on our campus tour and guess what? I had to wash a guy's armpit hair. *cue vomit and gagging sounds* Yea, we had to make sure we had lather before we passed the station. Ugh. Thank goodness I don't remember whose armpits I had to lather. I was kinda still bad with names that night. Before that we were washing their hair to gather as much lather as possible, but that one was okay. Yea and angela cheated.. hahaha. She lathered the shampoo on her hand before putting the lather on Bryan's armpits. Cheeky. Okay, actually this is a good/bad memory and I think that was why I couldn't remember it until now. ~sigh, I really miss sports camp.