Remember when I had icky and sickly nails ytd? Well I changed it back to the original french manicure. Oh wells, creativity can spoil sometimes. Anyway, I'm back from zouk n phuture! I'm still alive and in one piece! Hurrah for me! Arrived, stood around waiting for people, then had a SnowBall. I dunno what is inside, but there's minimal alcohol and tastes more like Sprite. Oh wells, it made me a wee dizzy, but nothing else. No heat or redness. (told you the alcohol content was low) Waited somemore, played some games we played at camp. (shen jing bing you mao bing wa wa) I was quite slow 'cos I never played these games during the camp; I was either sleeping, or doing something else. And finally, we hit the dance floor. Was super crowded and it got worse as it went on. The music was damn loud, (but I guess it had to be) and we couldn't hear each other. All the bobbing and swaying and moving of shoulders like one huge thronging human mass. Then got higher when I actually started moving myself. Zzzz. Yea, I was actually standing next to a pillar trying to outdo it and maybe in hopes of replacing it as THE pillar. After some time, they passed more drinks, but i have no idea what it was either, just that it tasted like vodka with something. I sipped and passed back. Hurhur.. I know my clubbing is bad. Then ham msged. I didn't know that I wasn't at zouk but phuture... -.-" So kinda dumb to be waiting and all the while trying to guess where he was or where I am. Didn't find him and I squeezed back into the crowd and couldn't find esther this time. Found weiheng, who's still high and dancing. (He was high throughout) Ended up esther n co were already at the bar and we gathered and left for zouk to check out the mambo. Mambo scene was incredible. (all the while I still trying to find ham) Those people on the bar top, esp the guys (gays?) had all the super uber cute actions. The man beside me was trying to learn all the steps, I am sure. He kept doing a slower reaction mambo. Me? I tried to imitate some of those i-dunno-wad-ziggy-zaggy moves they had. Bryan was high all the way, dancing by himself. They really funny la.. 'Radio' cue 2 fingers making a rectangle shape. And so on. Was more stiff at mambo 'cos 1. I don't know most songs 2. I was standing on the steps 3. People kept coming in and I was blocking their way. 4. I don't even know what mambo was until natalie told me. So finally we left zouk to go outside for fresh air. And finally I found ham. He was wearing a white coat. (!!!) Lol. Like so dumb, both of us kept msging each other for location and to make things worse I told him I was at zouk when I was at phuture. So alright, stood outside and talked and slacked and by then it was already 2am. Esther needed to go home so she went to get her bag. Then Jonathan also said he gonna KO soon so he's also going home. (my fellow cabber) Then I was trapped between going home and staying on. I don't know if I should go home or stay on because if I do, I will go home alone. But at that time I wasn't feeling high enough and I know it will be my first and last time clubbing so kinda wanted to stay longer. After much talking I finally decided to leave. Hahahaha.. so shared cab with jon home and we left jielun behind by accident. We were already nearing my home when he msged : 'are you guys going home now?' Oops. Haha. Okay so that was how my first night of clubbing went. Basically confusion and more confusion. =) I'm still kinda deaf from the loud music.