
This funeral is becoming a huge joke to me. A really huge joke. The adults are beginning to behave like kids. Remember the movie by Jack Neo, "Money No Enough"? (I think that was the movie tho.) The part where the people were arguing over the funeral? That is it. Now they argue. Before, they push responsibility to each other. After, they don't even bother. HUGE JOKE. His own son can absent himself because he 'got work. Cannot take leave.' Other people's sons MUST be there, MUST take leave, even if it's unpaid leave. Hello. Everyone can see you are trying to cover your filthy ass with nothing but one peanut shell. And speaking of peanuts, some old woman said we, the grandchildren shouldn't be eating peanuts because that's equivalent to eating my grandfather's flesh. Who's the one eating while we are performing the rites? Not peanuts, but general eating. I did not sit down to eat supper at all and we are the ones getting scolded. I saw that all the tables were clean before I actually sat down to rest. REST. Not EAT. Go home and sleep if you love wearing pyjamas so much. A funeral is for someone who has been laid to rest ETERNALLY. Plus. I never knew it looked ugly to be sleeping at a wake. Especially when there are no visitors. Am I sleeping with my mouth open and drooling and shouting vulgarities and have my leg on the table? THAT is ugly.

I hate it. I really do. Stop with all the false pretences and your crocodile tears. You can faint and tell people the doctor gave you a jab. If you bloody don't care, I don't see why I should.
