After spending the day at east coast park, I am blardeee tired. My eye bags and dark circles are extremely obvious. But never mind, I am going to sleep soon, which is like early compared to the other nights for this past week. There's me in the picture with my sister! Hahaha, she would surely complain that it's an ugly picture or something. The other one is a jellyfish in a pail. My uncle saw it when he was in the water and so he caught it for awhile. Amazing huh. I thought that the tentacles are weird looking for a jellyfish. I thought they all had long tendrils. Oh and I had ALOT of muah chee-s while I was there. I love muah chee. Muah Chee. Wes suggested that I be called muah chee flower fee from now on. It's a stupid name ok? So no more nicknames for me until further notice. Fee suits me just fine.
To anonymous: I really don't know what to say anymore. I think I've said enough. The rest is up to you.