So it's the lantern festival. And the haze's really bad. Can really see, or rather, not see. So it's just great that lantern festival falls on a day when the Pollutant Index happens to be the highest so far in this year. Which means that we simply love to make problems worse than it already is, isn't it? Or we're just plain selfish. To add on to the (in)visibility we burn paper, light candles, light lanterns. Kids play with more fire, burn more stuff, create more smoke. Why can't these people sit in the dark instead? I know many people in small groupings of a member each from the opposite sex would love that. Or sit at home with ELECTRIC lights if they really, really have no choice. You would think they have become moths which need light and do not bother if they will die in order to get close to the light source. Which is actually true. Do they realise that being born as natural air converters they do take in their surrounding air with this facial feature called the nostril? And the air goes through one of nature's air purifyers, the lungs? And with all the burning, be it from some island of soil somewhere away from our shores, or just at the playground downstairs, the (our) air is all connected. Mr Lee's dream of having an air-conditioned country hasn't been realised yet, in case you people haven't noticed. So what we do affects the rest of us. Go watch the upcoming movie about global warming. You will quake and shiver in your factory produced, machine made, PVC or whatever material shoes and clothes. Die in your seats. Go burn la. Burn more lanterns. Add to the haze until the moon looks like a ghostly street light you see at zebra crossings.
I'm sorry but this year's lantern festival and the following ones will never be complete for us ever again.