Had a nightmare last night, of 2 people who were close to me dying. And it's a sudden death. Here's what I recall of it (peeps, nightmare. so there might be details that are not suitable for the audience) :
Another person who is close to me said he would like to prove to me that those 2 people's bones are weak. All of a sudden, he grabbed them up and threw them out the window, one person in each hand. Imagine the brute force and how strong he was. And the mighty heave that flung them 2 clear out the window and landing downstairs 5 storeys away with a sickening crunch of bones and thud of the bodies hitting the pavement. In my dream I immediately had an image in my mind of 2 bodies totally crushed and limp, blood splattered and I don't know why, but brains splattered around where their skull smashed on the road. And the sick thing was, the other people in the room went to the window and looked down to gape at the gory scene. I refused to see, because somehow I knew that what I envisioned was what was down below. I was truly traumatised even in my nightmare. The whole thing just left me in the room shaking and trying to change the subject. I recall myself furiously intent on occupying myself with building blocks. The shock I got from seeing them being flung out the window, one minute alive and the other minute dead, crushed and totally 'tofu', it's unimaginable. And I couldn't wake up from it at all... cannot shake the image from my head.
Another person who is close to me said he would like to prove to me that those 2 people's bones are weak. All of a sudden, he grabbed them up and threw them out the window, one person in each hand. Imagine the brute force and how strong he was. And the mighty heave that flung them 2 clear out the window and landing downstairs 5 storeys away with a sickening crunch of bones and thud of the bodies hitting the pavement. In my dream I immediately had an image in my mind of 2 bodies totally crushed and limp, blood splattered and I don't know why, but brains splattered around where their skull smashed on the road. And the sick thing was, the other people in the room went to the window and looked down to gape at the gory scene. I refused to see, because somehow I knew that what I envisioned was what was down below. I was truly traumatised even in my nightmare. The whole thing just left me in the room shaking and trying to change the subject. I recall myself furiously intent on occupying myself with building blocks. The shock I got from seeing them being flung out the window, one minute alive and the other minute dead, crushed and totally 'tofu', it's unimaginable. And I couldn't wake up from it at all... cannot shake the image from my head.