I think I should change my blog name to accidentalfee.blogspot.com or clumsygal_87.blogspot.com or something like that. I've decided that I will record down all the stupid and clumsy moments so that people can see and maybe challenge the dumb-ity of these accidents. HAHA. So let's just continue with that record thingy. Today I dropped my sister's thick accounting textbook directly onto my big toe. I was stupid enough to try to balance the book on a railing thing. Guess I deserved it. On friday I managed to hit the line just below my thumbnail very, very, hard. While trying to yank toilet paper off the dispenser. Yes.. in the toilet. I think everyone heard the 'BANG' and the 'Ooosh**'. How stupid can I get, I really, really wonder. I know by now it doesn't faze anyone that I have such accidents. But it still amazes me how stupid they actually are. Oh wells.
Went Esplanade on saturday night for our usual 'It's-Saturday-night-and-we-have-a-car-so-let's-go-for-supper' outing. Took alot of pictures with the merlion (hope these don't count for fouling the nation's icon or something) and that resulted in me being stranded without a phone for almost the whole of Sunday. (PS: Sorry nat. Hahaha sorry for making you worry. Also to others who might have had.) My sis would be complaining that I am uploading an ugly pic of her again. :p
Ok so Sunday was VivoCity day. Because we've got a car and yada-yada-yada.. But the place is FREAKING crowded. And I dislike crowded places.. they make me dizzy. But never mind, we went to the deck thing to look out at sentosa on this wonderfully haze-y day. Then we went back down into the centre itself because the weather was so humid. Walked around, (and I DO mean walk around) went into some shops. Went Toys'r'us and played around with the Halloween Masks. Too bad they are in my sis's phone so i cannot upload them today. I look gross in the mask but hey, that's the main purpose right? =) Walked more and finally, finally we sat down at Carl's Jr for dinner. First time eating Carl's and yes, the food is not bad. But, the service is BETTER. Thanks Carl's Jr ppl! Hahaha.. we chatted to about 3 of the staff, one of whom is the supervisor there I think. Was quite funny 'cos we met one of my cousin's acquaintances and made him sit with us. Then he was this huge sized guy of 16yrs and the supervisor was asking if he's a sumo wrestler. Then we 'complained' to the staff that brought him his order that the burger was WAY too small for him. LOL. Btw the supervisor also commented that he wouldn't hire me because I was too slow in clearing the tables.. HAHA. I didn't know whether he wanted me to put the sauce plate on the tray or not, and was trying to decide, hence the delay. Anyway, just great that they made our first meal at Carl's Jr such a pleasant one :D After dinner we brought Pearly (who was in crappy mood because she was slping) to the water splashy thing on the roof. Many kids were already playing in the water. What's with kids and water that is only ankle high I have no idea. Then I realised that actually the contraption with a dummy hanging on the bar above the water can actually move. It was just swinging round and round the bar like in the Olympics. So cool. Ok and after that we went back home.
*whoosh* What a weekend.