
The day I became a passenger of Jason Hau.

Yea.. that sentence sounds daunting. I purposely made it that way. MUAHAHAHA. Oops.

But sitting in the passenger seat of a car that's driven by someone who barely had his license for 2 weeks does sound slightly scary. However the story changes when you hear that this person passed on his first attempt. Right? And it's true.. steering, not bad. Speed, not bad. No jerks and those funny funny things a car does when I drive, so that is very good. But parking...from what I heard, not too bad, but still needs improvement. What else then? Oh, at least he knows his way too. I am a self-proclaimed road idiot. If I drive I probably follow the bus routes. Lol. But anyway, it was a good experience, and no one was harmed in the journey. Hahahaha. Really la. His driving was good. I wasn't afraid at all. So no worries.

Anyway, tutorials have begun and I had my first TA for jlang today. OHMYFREAKINGGOSHCANHESPEAKSLOWER? Yea man, I have given back half my vocabulary to my teachers. Make that almost all instead of half. I am sooooo dead. Time to brush up on my vocab. I need ginko pills or whatever it is that boosts memory power. It was a miracle I managed to memorise my vocab list for the quiz today. But so what? There's another tomorrow. And there's the conversation on thursday. NewMedia extra credit research on thursday. Chinatown field trip on friday. NewMedia major talk on friday. Argh. Things are piling up. Gotta start pia-ing again. Sianz.
