Clumsy Fee is back. On monday, as she was walking out from as7 to the shuttle bus stop, she walked into a drain. Yep, get this. She WALKED into a drain hole. You know the roadside little holes? Yea.. this one was slyly hidden by dried leaves and whatnots, so of course Fee couldn't see it. (Besides, anyone would say that Fee is too blur to notice such stuff.) Anyway, from walking into the drain, Fee got an injured ankle, limping around for the rest of the day. Who knew, the next day, she missed a small step thing and just gave out a "WHOA" but didn't fall. Haha.. nope I didn't injure my other ankle. But I nearly did. And Jason was congratulating me for almost injuring both ankles in two days. Oh well, calamityFee/calamiFee isn't called calamityFee/calamiFee for nothing. And today she is sick. Down with the flu. Started sniffling after coming out of lt13. That lt is freezing cold I swear. Humph. Got to rush my japanese language homework for tomorrow. This sucks. I just want to go sleep now. -.-zZ