Finally, after some time, I am back! Exams are finally over! (I'm not gloating so don't slam me. And all the best to those who still have papers, it's going to be over really soon.) My life as a freshie has ended. Thank goodness (?). Sigh, that picture was taken when my eyes got really tired and I just didn't feel like studying anymore. Throwing off my specs and putting down my beloved pencil, just taking a break and goofing around with the phone. These 4 days have been hectic, and I'm just glad it's over. I'm even sick now. As I told my mom, 'See I study so hard until I fall sick.' The timing is right too, because I got the flu as the last day for my papers drew near. So I must had fallen sick because I studied too hard, right? (Yea right, like who believes?) Jlang was quite a goner, but it brought vice-dean Paulin Straughn into the LT to apologise to us due to an 'ant problem'. IT was tricky and full of traps, and the English was very bad. It was the first open book exam and how exciting it was, to hear the sound of so many people anxiously flipping through their textbooks. Someone even brought in a
Computer Desktop Encyclopedia. Power. Changing Landscapes was another miserable attempt at the exams. I gave back to mr koh all my essay writing skills. Philo, the dictionary was the most useful resource I brought in today. I never touched my notes or the text throughout the paper. NM, forget it. One lesson learnt though: never get a flu around exams time. The exam halls will just make it worse.

Went to the Jurong Bird Park 2 Sundays ago! So exciting, haven't been there like since, 10 years ago maybe? Remember when I used to go there with my family and go around hunting for fallen feathers to bring home. Even the ones covered in bird droppings. ^^ This time, it was SingPost's family day thing, so I went there with my mom and sis. My mom said we behaved like when we were younger at the bird park, going 'Mommy see this! Mommy see that!' I insisted that we walk all around and saw everything, but too bad we didn't have enough time to go visit the waterfall area. What a waste. But we did see almost everything, and the toucans were most interesting. There were a few nesting ones, and you could see their wooden house sealed up except for a small opening through which the male feeds the female. Yes, the female 'traps' herself inside until the eggs hatch. So touching right. The greatness of motherhood.

Made these 2 stars during my slacking times. The blue one is incomplete, but I cannot complete it because the instructions are in cheem chinese. I have no idea what they mean and the diagrams just confuse me. So it's in a way completed, but lacks the edging around to make it look more defined. Looks ugly to me too.. ugh. And I have no idea what I should do with the wire-bent star. It makes a nice paperclip, but it will only spoil my books. Right now I just toss it about when I am free to hear the tinkling sound when it lands. Hahaha, the extent of insanity. Meanwhile, I am going to source for more books to help me in my quest to find the best-looking star I can make from beads. I realised as I looked at my necklaces hanging from the cork-board that I have mostly star pendants. Lol. Can't help but love stars and rainbows...Okay, time for this sick person to go to bed! There's driving lesson tomorrow. Hope it doesn't rain.