
Ok, I've been tagged, so I have to do this. Haha actually I can choose not to, but this seems fun :]

The taggee has to compose a blog post with 10 interesting, weird and random stuff about yourself. The taggee then becomes a tagger and tags 5 other people. The 5 names will be listed at the end of the post. Then the tagger has to leave a tag at the respective taggees' tagboard, informing them about being tagged and the also to read the tagger's tag. Haha, this sounds like a tongue twister.

1* My grandma calls me hae ser, her own translation of Felicia.
2* This name was echoed at the australia Pinnacles by my cousins and uncle, much to my embarassment and the fellow tourists' amusement.
3* If you don't already know, I'm a perfectionist.
4* I can draw perfect 90° lines with just a ruler.
5* Which is why nat calls me her official timetable cutter/line drawer.
6* I'm calamafee because I'm accident-prone.
7* My ear water thing is not balanced, which I guess explains why I am accident-prone.
8* I once hiccupped while singing a song in a choir. Thank goodness it was during practice.
9* I like to arrange my stationery with the caps on one side.
10* I often buy things in sets because it comes in the 7 colours of the rainbow.

The next 5 taggees! *drumroll*
,Seok, Nat, Siyan, Conz
