Exciting isn't it. Went to Creative fair on Friday, to see see look look. The queue was already very long so there was no way I could get the StarBuy of Zen Vision:M 60GB for $299. Upset. But never mind, walked around and Jason bought his 2GB Zen V Plus (yes.. go on and rant) and wireless keyboard.
On Sunday morning itself, I woke up bright and early. Alarm rang off at 5.55am. Left the house around 6.40am and waited for the bus to bring me to Creative building. For what you say? For the beautiful Zen V Plus 8GB StarBuy at only $199. I must say it's really an experience, for it's the first time I've ever done such a thing in my life. I was wondering, why is it I must make such sacrifices to spend my money? Why can't I spend my money like everyone else? Hmm.. But I felt that this was effort well sacrificed. I got there at about 7.20am and managed to be the 21st in queue. There are only 30 units available, so I was safely within the limit. The poor guy in front of me only wanted to get the webcam, which even those who didn't come as early as him to queue got to buy. He doesn't have knowledge on market demand. Hahaha. Jason was sweet enough to bring me breakfast at 9++, and also to help me look after my stuff, in case the guard came to check my IC again. 2 seats behind was this malay mother and her sons, and they wanted to get the V Plus too. The elder son was reading the big advert, rattling off all the specifications and prices. I was really amazed at his ability to read, because I most certainly didn't know how to pronounce zen when I was at his age. Then when their father came, I suddenly got the sense that this whole process is like a woman going through childbirth. Even though both the man and the woman are responsible for the child, only the woman was going through the painful process while the man could only watch. Just like that woman, because she came earlier with her sons, her IC was registered and therefore the husband cannot join her in the queue nor go in with her or anything. Interesting.
On Sunday morning itself, I woke up bright and early. Alarm rang off at 5.55am. Left the house around 6.40am and waited for the bus to bring me to Creative building. For what you say? For the beautiful Zen V Plus 8GB StarBuy at only $199. I must say it's really an experience, for it's the first time I've ever done such a thing in my life. I was wondering, why is it I must make such sacrifices to spend my money? Why can't I spend my money like everyone else? Hmm.. But I felt that this was effort well sacrificed. I got there at about 7.20am and managed to be the 21st in queue. There are only 30 units available, so I was safely within the limit. The poor guy in front of me only wanted to get the webcam, which even those who didn't come as early as him to queue got to buy. He doesn't have knowledge on market demand. Hahaha. Jason was sweet enough to bring me breakfast at 9++, and also to help me look after my stuff, in case the guard came to check my IC again. 2 seats behind was this malay mother and her sons, and they wanted to get the V Plus too. The elder son was reading the big advert, rattling off all the specifications and prices. I was really amazed at his ability to read, because I most certainly didn't know how to pronounce zen when I was at his age. Then when their father came, I suddenly got the sense that this whole process is like a woman going through childbirth. Even though both the man and the woman are responsible for the child, only the woman was going through the painful process while the man could only watch. Just like that woman, because she came earlier with her sons, her IC was registered and therefore the husband cannot join her in the queue nor go in with her or anything. Interesting.