Finally watched Pirates 3 last night. The show's really long, lasting almost 3 hours. The show is quite disappointing, but overall I felt it is alright. Because my beloved Jack Sparrow didn't have enough sides-splitting scenes for the audience. The fight scenes were plentiful, but kind of draggy and long. But at least there were answers provided to many of the things we never knew. Like the 9 pirate lords. Haha. There was Jack Sparrow hallucinating too, which I thought was kind of funny. Don't know what else can I say that will not spoil the movie for people who have yet to watch it. Oh ya, stay after the credits. There's a short portion, even though it's not that important. And the duration of the movie made me feel that it was worth the ticket price. Johnny Depp rocks! :]
PS: I forgot to mention that jason was the one who killed all the evil pigs in Tomba. Hee. I was hopeless at that task.