
A new semester is beginning! Time to get rid of used textbooks! The above 2 books are for sale.

Left: PH1101e/GEM1004 Reason and Persuasion by John Holbo. A must have for this module since the exam is open-book. In very good condition, no highlighting nor markings. Chapters of the book are tabbed for easy reference during examination.
Going for: $12

Right: SSA2202/GEK2001 Changing Landscapes of Singapore. This textbook is required for the readings for this module. In good condition, plastic-wrapped. Only highlighted, no markings. Looks totally brand-new.
Going for: $10

If anyone out there wants to buy these books, please contact me by using the tagboard! Prices are negotiable :] Hahaha, I've never tried to sell things on my blog before..and I got a feeling no one will be interested since people who visit my blog either do not take these modules or have already taken it before. But, if anyone knows of other interested buyers, please spread the word! Thanks!
