
Had my gaze focused on two things this morning, the A380 maiden passenger flight's take-off and the spider on the bus.

Woke up this morning to see the TV on and no one in sight. I knew my mom was still at home, but I didn't know where she was. After I washed up, I came into the living room and then saw my mom sitting on the sofa looking at me. The girl mascot I made for her finally couldn't take the pressure and took off her dress. Hahaha, I mean, the dress came off the mascot's body. 'So how?' she asked. I shook my head and brought the 2 pieces into my room, and used a pincer to put on the dress for her again. Now it's lying on the arm rest with a needle and thread stabbed into the sofa just beside her. Anyway, I watched the live telecast of A380's take-off with my mom. It was fascinating. We both commented that the belly of the plane looked too big. I saw the windows of the pilots and man, they were puny. It's just so amazing to watch this Singapore giant bird take off. I'm proud. The youngest passenger is a 10month old baby, and the oldest is 91 years' old. They are all freaking rich. The 10month old baby is accomapnied by the parents, 2 sisters and the domestic help. Cool right?

After it took off, my mom switched off the tv. Typical Singaporean.

This morning, I missed the super early bus. On board the early bus, this guy in front of me was dozing. Then suddenly, I noticed a small spider happily crawling on his shoulder and around his back. I didn't know what to do, 'cos it looked like it was going to bite his neck and turn him into Singapore's spiderman. I mean, what was I to do? What would anyone do, in any case? Should I shoo the spider away? Or should I tell him very politely what a nice accessory he has, how unique it was? Or maybe I should just sit there and watch if I am lucky enough to see the next spiderman being born. But anyway, that was what I did. And the spider decided that it didn't want a spiderman, but a spider-chair. It hopped onto the head rest of the seat and hovered there for about 10min. Then I gave up watching it, because a spiderchair idea does not particularly interest me. The girl beside me woke up a few times to watch the spider, but I guess she was too tired and promptly went back to sleep. By the time I reached school, the spider disappeared. Wonder where it went.
