Dear presented me with a pleasant surprise in media writing lecture 2 weeks ago :] Was packing my bag after the lecture when I saw a blue plastic bag with some purple cloth sticking out from it. I froze for a few seconds, thousands of neurons working, questions zooming in my head.
What is this? Is this my bag? Why is this in my bag? What is it doing there? How did it get in there? Why does that purple thing look so much like an old cloth? I think it's an ah ma umbrella. What is an ah ma umbrella doing in my bag in the blue plastic bag? It didn't rain this morning, I didn't use my umbrella. Is that a shirt? Looks like it's bought from the bazaar. Did jason put it in my bag? When? How? Is it really?
Then I just blurted, "What is this thing in my bag?" "Dunno." (grin) "I thought it's an ah ma umbrella. Then I was wondering what it's doing in my bag." "Ah ma umbrella? Ok lor.." :] It's not an ah ma umbrella, but a t-shirt that I commented was very nice, because it has a rainbow! (~rainbow rainbow rainbow *dances like mad*) Thank goodness it fit, cos bazaar tees are usually for skinny-like-stick people and not flabby ppl like me. Love the tee and the person who gave it to me! *grin grin*
Went for a picnic on that sunday, armed with lotsa food in our cooler box. Two of us gong gong drove to botanic garden, and made a huge circle before we found the proper carpark. Then when we emerged from the underground carpark with wide eyes, we didn't really know where to go. In the end we decided to walk in the direction of the Swan Pond, because it's the only thing on the map that looked familiar to me. We made the jelly using the wrong kind of mould, so it refused to budge from it. Had no choice but to leave at home instead and eat only those I managed to gouge out. Heartie jelly...
Went for a picnic on that sunday, armed with lotsa food in our cooler box. Two of us gong gong drove to botanic garden, and made a huge circle before we found the proper carpark. Then when we emerged from the underground carpark with wide eyes, we didn't really know where to go. In the end we decided to walk in the direction of the Swan Pond, because it's the only thing on the map that looked familiar to me. We made the jelly using the wrong kind of mould, so it refused to budge from it. Had no choice but to leave at home instead and eat only those I managed to gouge out. Heartie jelly...