If I haven't already introduced them, here are Butter and Seaweed, my sister's hamsters! We usually call them ButtButt and WeedWeed tho. They're so adorable. And WeedWeed has a stupid face and always does stupid things. Hahaha. ButtButt's LP very big.
Don't know why ButtButt was sleeping like that. He looked like a roly-poly hamster with his legs twitching in the air. He's so round you can just touch him and he'll tip over. He's much bigger and robust compared to WeedWeed, and he bit Weed's ear when they were young. Now WeedWeed has a torn right ear. Despite his size, ButtButt can run damn fast that even us humans had to run to chase after him. Should had brought him to the East Coast Park hamster race.
Here's ButtButt again, asking for food just this morning. He always squeezes his snout through the metal bars and now there's a bald patch on top of his nose. So ugly. Lol. He likes to eat bread, but sadly, there wasn't any left this morning. So he went back to sleep.
I already mentioned that WeedWeed likes to do stupid things and this is one of them. He sleeps like this sometimes, wedged between his bath-house and the cage itself, with his 4 feet dangling out from the cage. Even if I touch him, he merely twitches abit and goes back to sleep. I really wonder how he keeps the blood in his brain. Or maybe that's why he always does stupid things, 'cos he always sleeps like that.
WeedWeed again, drinking water from his retarded bottle and winking at me. Haha..no la. But he always likes to tilt his head to one side when he drinks his water, or get into a praying position with his front paws held together infront of him. My mom says he looks too adorable when he tilts his head and looks at her with those huge, black eyes.
Yes, another stupid thing WeedWeed likes to do: Sleep with his head on the downslope of his ladder. He's rolled off and slid off the ladder before while sleeping in this position, but he obviously doesn't learn. But it is hilarious to watch as he slips down centimetre by centimetre while he sleeps. Then after he falls on the ground, he wakes up with a dazed look and dashes off to some other hiding place and promptly falls asleep again. He's really quite stupid. ;]