
400th post.

Feeling very stressed/confused/frustrated/annoyed about module planning. Apparently all of the modules I want to take except for JS3225 (Japanese New Media) and NM3215 (Advertising Strategies) are non-examinable.

No exams = alot of projects

So..I can't jolly well take 4 non-examinable modules huh? I don't want to be the first student to die from project-overdose. But if I don't take these non-examinable mods, I won't be able to take the modules I am interested in and/or won't be able to fulfil the stupid NUS undergrad requirements/not be able to take the higher level module I want. How Hau? What modules are you taking?

Speaking of Hau, who's currently in reservist doing goodness-knows-what, he doesn't want to take the modules I want to take. Becos he says he has absolutely no design bone in his body. Then how Hau? Dunno if there are people out there who want to be my lecture/tutorial buddy this semester.


And there's my income to think of. I'm definitely not going to work much at the clinic once school starts. But then I would still want to continue tuition. Argh. Mommy can buy car for me? Or some rich person out there who sees this? Pweety pwease?

Haiz. Pray to god my parents can strike a windfall or something. By the way, the other day my sister asked Pearly if she could spell 'dog', which she answered yes readily to. But alas, she spelt it as 'G-O-D'. God, forgive Pearly, she's only 3 or 4 this year.

Back to scratching my head with module planning. A sick Fee doing sick things and working at a place for the sick. Wokay.
