I'm so darn proud of my nm2208 blog and portfolio.
Spent hours poring over the portfolio, carefully pasting my work in, making sure everything is aligned nicely (or Jing will ask me if I did it on purpose again). To bask in my happiness, please visit my nm2208 blog.
Quite sad that it's over. But also very relieved. If I were to take that module all over again, I would make sure that the storybook is better designed. Seriously, I didn't like the pictures at all. Luckily weiliang managed to save them with his colouring. Well, I didn't draw the pictures so I don't really have a say in it. But I did some of the colouring, even though it didn't really make a difference.
But still. I loved that module. That and nm3222. Those are the most fun mods I have ever taken in NUS I think. And they are both individual project-based mods. Haha. I don't think that's a very big factor though. I can work in small groups. Big groups just don't work somehow. Not only for me, but for alot of people. I realise the big group projects are the ones with trouble during this semester.
So weird. I really should get to studying soon. I'm such a slacker..
Spent hours poring over the portfolio, carefully pasting my work in, making sure everything is aligned nicely (or Jing will ask me if I did it on purpose again). To bask in my happiness, please visit my nm2208 blog.
Quite sad that it's over. But also very relieved. If I were to take that module all over again, I would make sure that the storybook is better designed. Seriously, I didn't like the pictures at all. Luckily weiliang managed to save them with his colouring. Well, I didn't draw the pictures so I don't really have a say in it. But I did some of the colouring, even though it didn't really make a difference.
But still. I loved that module. That and nm3222. Those are the most fun mods I have ever taken in NUS I think. And they are both individual project-based mods. Haha. I don't think that's a very big factor though. I can work in small groups. Big groups just don't work somehow. Not only for me, but for alot of people. I realise the big group projects are the ones with trouble during this semester.
So weird. I really should get to studying soon. I'm such a slacker..