I've been back from bintan for sometime but I've been too lazy to update!! A few days after I came back, I caught a cold, and just as I was recovering, I got a bad case of diarrhea. Sobz. Been running to the toilet more than 10 times within 12 hours. We're still wondering what triggered it, whether if it has anything to do with the food from last night's bbq at my aunt's place or whether it's just my body suffering from heatiness or maybe I caught stomach flu 'cos I exposed my tummy area to the cold water in the pool or whatever. I couldn't sleep last night because of the tummy pain, curled up into a ball on the mattress under my loft bed. Decided not to sleep on the top in case I needed to run to the toilet in the middle of the night. Which I really did. Luckily I had my baby dear to accompany me for awhile this afternoon, or I would had been sulking and whining at home to my sister. Thanks dear for coming over, though without the chicken/fish soup. Hahaha.
Okay, time for bintan pics!

On the ferry finally! We're quite lucky to be the first few ones on board, so we managed to get a window seat.When we reached there, we couldn't board the first land transfer bus, so we took somemore pictures at the terminal, but most of the pictures are in dear's cam, so some pictures are not posted here.
We also couldn't check into our room yet, so carrying all our stuff, we walked to the beach and slacked around, lying on the hammock, taking pictures, walking along the shore, taking more pictures. It was really windy there, since it's the monsoon season and all. It wasn't even advisable to swim and there were signs warning of jellyfish in the sea. I think we found a small one along the shore, and we scooped it up and dropped it into the water.
Haha.. this picture.. I wanted to take a 'Ernie and Rubber Duckie 历险记' and this would be the first shot. But I forgot to take bring ernie along to the other places we went to and yea.. this lone shot is the only picture in ernie's collection. But I love the colours. Ernie and rubber duckie look so happy together :]
When we finally checked into our room, jason was rather excited. I have another picture of him pointing to the tv. The room is nice, though I find it stupid that they don't allow us to open the window according to some law or something. Our room overlooks the fountain, so it's not bad afterall. After we checked in, we went to the pool and relaxed at the jacuzzi. Didn't really tan cos by the time we changed and went there it was like.. 4+pm? Dinner time, we went to The Kelong. The food there is nice! (Although they charge resraurant prices and have like 20% surcharge.) Pictures are with jason. Wanted to chill at the kelong's bar, Calypso, after dinner, but the wind was simply too cold and I was chattering while on the boardwalk. Veeerryy collldd. The bar looks rather miserable too, so we didn't order any drinks. Plus the fact that almost every other person there smokes.
Day two of bintan starts with nice buffet breakfast! Remember the last time I went there with ao2 and manda and I went for the breakfast. This is only one part of my breakfast. Being the kiasu singaporeans that we are, of course we would eat enough so that we can skip lunch. I had 2 half-boiled eggs.. yum! I was wandering around looking for pepper and then I saw a really tall pepper mill. I glanced around quickly to make sure no one was watching, because I'm sure that pepper mill is for the chef, then ground some pepper into my bowl and hastily put it back. With a triumphant grin, I went back to our table and told dear about it, to which he pointed at the little pepper shaker on the table.
*slaps forehead with hand*
Oh well. I got my pepper already. Won't be so stupid for the next day's breakfast. After breakfast, it was time to TAN!
Oh look at the glorious sun, after days of rain back in singapore!
Jason enjoying his tan on the deck chair. My attempt at taking a scenic shot with him and making it look like a postcard-worthy picture. The 'wish-you-were-here' kind of postcards.
Yes. Me with my flabby forearms. The sun was really too bright and without sunglasses, we can only squint. I love my rainbow bikini from bangkok!
Dear was trying to strike a cool pose. But I think his lower jaw jutting out makes him look like those bad ass guys from movies.
There.. so much better when he smiles, with a nice backdrop of the white sandy beach, lone palm tree and some hills on the horizon. Beau-ti-ful. Those are my sunglasses by the way. It doesn't fit perfectly, but it served it's purpose and at least managed to reach my nose. My friends should know how hard it is for me to find a pair that actually rests on my nose instead of my cheeks.
Heh heh. My sexy leg. (Ya la.. I know it's not.) Actually, I was trying to take a picture of the scene with some brown colours so I used my leg. I really like the whole.. um.. the colours in this picture. Imagine us, lying on the deck chairs along the beach, with the waves lulling us to sleep, wind in our faces..totally relaxing.
Dear in peace with himself. Hahaha. This shot looks weird tho, with the trees sticking out from his face. It's the new palmtreecupuncture!
These shots we not taken one after another in quick succession. But the effect seemed to be. And I think dear looked damn funny in the pictures. Ok ok.. I'm not good at timing the pictures.
And this shot of me was taken by him. Not bad eh? I love jump-shots. Maybe from now on I start the trend of jump shots and more of such pictures appear on other people's albums or blogs.
This was a fort. Was. It started as a dig to look for seashells. (Don't you notice how everyone seems to dig at beaches?) The hole became bigger and bigger, and soon, it looked like a toilet bowl. Along came a strong wave and washed the hole out. The sides caved in, water started to fill and then the hole was no more. Dear built a fort in an attempt to save it, but oh well. The waves are still stronger. So.. the hole became a burial site. Haha. No la.. but in memory, he stuck 2 sticks into it. Aww... he walked away like a disappointed little boy on christmas morning.
Whose butt is this? Of course it's dear's. Lol. A rather unglam shot. We didn't laze on the deck chairs for very long, as one can tell from the pictures. The beach was just too inviting. I suggested that he wrote our names in the sand and so he did. But our names are like.. barely legible. Lol. But still, it's nice. I like the whole picture's effect and of course, it's effort from my deardear!

He tried to write another one and this time, flatten the sand around the words, but I tell you, it doesn't work.

After we had enough of salty waters, we went back to the pool. We somehow always manage to step on tar from the beach, and always need to get the petroleum to wash it off before going anywhere else. It's verrry stickyyy. We rinsed off the sea water and splashed into the pool. I didn't swim much, because I don't really like to swim. Just slacked some more in the jacuzzi before I went up.
Very nice picture right? Looks like some advertisement for a condo. Haha. But I really like how the pool seems to extend out to the sea. Nice.
Jason with his satisfied smile. Trying to strike a model pose again. Haha.
And that's me, drying off rapidly in the wind. My hair's a mess, as usual. Dear had a hard time trying to open the umbrella. There were these two women beside me playing scrabble. Like.. of all the things to do when you go overseas and lying by the poolside in your swimwear..you play SCRABBLE? There was another woman, lying under the umbrella, wrapped up in her towel with a cap and sunglasses. I really wonder why these people are there. She might as well hide in her room.
After his swim, dear pushed himself out of the pool and in doing so, displaced a whole lot of water and created a mini-flood around our deck chairs. -.-" I think the two women beside me were abit shocked.
Went back to bathe and hurried to catch the next bus to Pasar Oleh Oleh. That place was rather disappointing. Pictures are with dear again. We went for a spa, quite reasonably priced, I guess, SGD$44 for 2hours. Never go for a body scrub after you tan. Seriously. I was quite mad at jason for bringing me to spa. I screamed inwardly each time the person scrubbed my arms and back. Really, really, HURTS!
It was quite awkward too, since it's my first time going for a spa. The woman told us to 'take off everything and change into this'. The 'this' is disposable underwear. I was just...lost. So I took off my clothes, changed into the disposable underwear and wore back everything else. And just stood there, not knowing what to do. So jason opened the door and called another woman. She told us to change into the disposable underwear and then wrap the sarong around ourselves. And both of us went...ohhhhh..
Throughout the spa, jason was behind the curtain, so I couldn't see what happened. But apparently the person serving him helped him 'krak krak', by asking him to put his hands behind his head and then twisting his body left and right until his back has the 'krak krak' sound. The scarier one was putting her hands on his chin and top of his head a la killing people style by twisting the neck. One-two-three twist! KRAK! Lol. Luckily I didn't have that.
But the whole session was not as relaxing as I thought, me being ticklish and then her massaging too hard on my calves that I was cringing in agony. At the beginning, the woman kept burping too, which was rather rude. Wonder what she ate.
There was this other couple in the next room, and the guy said very loudly in mandarin "WAH. 我第一次穿这种 disposable underwear leh!" If only he knew that everyone else could hear, I think he would be so embarassed.
After lying there for sometime, the woman asked me to turn over. All this while I was lying on my front, and remember, I wasn't wearing anything else but the sarong, which by this time she had opened to just cover my back. So my mind went into a moment of panic, until she took a small towel and told me to use it to cover the front. The towel is really small, just enough to cover my boobs. After I was done, she took up the sarong and asked me to turn over. I quickly did so and made sure my towel was in place before she put the sarong down again.
This process repeated for the body scrub. When she slathered on the scrub mixture, I was really cold and trying hard not to shiver so much that I was clenching my muscles. Ugh. So cold. And then I wished she would please scrub faster so that the mixture would evaporate and then I won't feel so cold.
The woman on jason's side kept pushing her butt against the curtain and bumping my arm. I didn't know where else to put it lah.
After the whole session was over, the woman told me that it was time to go wash off everything in the little shower stall standing in the corner of the room, miss first okay? So, shivering and feeling the aftereffects of having scrubbed a sunburnt skin, I stepped into the shower thing and began to wash off all the oil and scrub mixture. My hands were so slippery I couldn't twist the shower thing such that the water came out from the top and not from the seats. Seriously, how does one shower with the water jetting out from the small small area of a seat? Then the drainage system wasn't that good either as I realised the water level was slowly rising and threatening to spill out onto the room's cloth flooring. So I had to fiddle with the tap again and wait in the cold while the water slowly drains out.
I don't think I was ever so glad to be able to wear my clothes again and step out from the room, feeling warm and snug again. Relief.
After jason was done, we went to pay and they gave us this survey questionnaire regarding their service. I finally got to see the person who helped me massage in the daylight, since the room was dim and I didn't have my eyes open alot. (I didn't know where to look 'cos she kept looking at me.) After I filled the form, the woman took it and was looking at it while I was still there. Luckily I didn't write any mean thing or gave them bad feedback or I might not had been able to get out of there. Lol. But I didn't give her a full 'excellent' rating because I thought the treatment overall was rather normal. I think she was quite.. I dunno. Angry? But the treatment refers to the type, not her service, right?
Walked around Pasar Oleh Oleh some more after that, which was really quite easy since it was so quiet. There were only a few shops, a grand total of 2 minimarts and about 3 restaurants. Jason went to the washroom and so I was standing beside this bicycle when a local came up to me and started talking to me about the bus, taking a cab, calling a cab to go to the local town, blah, blah. It was another awkward moment, because I was standing some distance away from the bicycle but he came and sat on it. So I didn't know whether to move nearer or stand where I was. I kept looking in the direction where jason disappeared off to, hoping he would come back quickly. I really don't know how to handle such situations. And I thought he was one of the taxi drivers or something, trying to get business. Dear finally reappeared and then after awhile, we left the man and could go walk around again. The next bus back to the resort was still a long time away and we had absolutely nothing else to do. So we thought we would go eat dinner at one of the restaurants HELO HELO (oleh oleh, get it?) before we left. Lo and behold, the same man was there again, giving us the menu to look at. So now we know he's not a taxi driver.
When he knew we were looking at seafood, he told us to look at the other pages in the menu that had cheaper and similar dishes. When we asked about the fish, he told us they don't have fresh fish anymore, and the frozen ones were not nice. Then when we said, ok then how about dessert, like ice cream or something, he told us the ice cream is very small and the flavours are limited. We might as well buy from the minimarts. Ok, so it seems like he is a restaurant worker who doesn't want us to eat there. So we thanked him and went to the minimart to buy keropok and ice cream. After we came out from the minimart, we saw the same man opening up tables for the restaurant. That guy must be really honest and helpful if he really was the restaurant employee. Funny guy.
So with nothing else to do, we sat at this big traditional indonesia pavillion and munched keropok until the bus came.
For dinner we went back to the kelong, since the previous night's experience had been good. This time, we got a seat right next to the uh.. window? There was this couple who was behind us, but squeezed ahead of us and just went straight into the restaurant and wanted to sit at our table. But because we stopped and let the man seat us, he shooed them away and let us sit there even though we didn't have a reservation. YAY!
I think jason really drives the meaning of boy in boyfriend home. Look like some boy boy with the dinner spread.
We love 清蒸鱼! Fresh from the kelong and steamed HongKong style.

Last day of our bintan holiday. There was still lots of time after we checked out since our ferry was later in the afternoon. So we decided to walk all the way to the other end of the beach nearer to the banyan tree resorts. Along the way we saw these clam things stuck to an assortment of objects/debris: slippers, shoes, bottles, floats, light bulbs, coffee jars, etc. As we walked on, we saw more and more of them and this board here was the ultimate. So many of them stuck there, occasionally sticking their claw out to grab at air..the cumulative effect was just.. goosebumps-inducing. BLEH.
The sand there was also dotted with more fragmented sea shells, making the beach look very nice.

Dear was trying to take a picture of a crab. I told him that those small holes in the sand are crab holes and the moment I said that, we saw a small crab scurrying along the sand. Tak glam la, take pictures like tt.
And here he is with his 'model' pose. "Neh.. those supermodel pose!" Whoakay. Lol.
The wind's still strong and I decided to camwhore alone.

We finally reached the rocky outcrop! There were many beautiful conch shells here, those huge ones, but they were all cracked and lying in shattered pieces in the crevices of the rocks. Tried to find a nice fragment, but they were mostly eaten away by the sea already. Never mind, I have these nice pictures to take away with me :]
Baby's taking a picture here, but my angle made him look like he's blowing a horn or coughing. Sowie! But the picture's still nice.
Another self-pic!
After taking pictures and climbing onto the rocks for sometime, we headed back to the hotel and went to the bar for some drinks.
My pink something something. Very citrus-y fruit juice thing. Just the drink after a long stroll along the beach. Dear ordered a beer and satay. The satay sauce is different from the type in Singapore, but it's nice.

And for the last picture.. a tired and tanned baby falling asleep. (Scrubbed skin gleaming too) We just decided to rest in the lobby to wait for the land transport to the ferry terminal.
I had a really wonderful and relaxing time at Bintan. Lazy days just spent lying on the beach or at the poolside, walking around exploring, enjoying the sea breeze that almost froze me. Most of all, I got to spend time with my dear boyfriend jason hau! Love you loads!
Okay, time for bintan pics!
On the ferry finally! We're quite lucky to be the first few ones on board, so we managed to get a window seat.When we reached there, we couldn't board the first land transfer bus, so we took somemore pictures at the terminal, but most of the pictures are in dear's cam, so some pictures are not posted here.
*slaps forehead with hand*
Oh well. I got my pepper already. Won't be so stupid for the next day's breakfast. After breakfast, it was time to TAN!

After his swim, dear pushed himself out of the pool and in doing so, displaced a whole lot of water and created a mini-flood around our deck chairs. -.-" I think the two women beside me were abit shocked.
Went back to bathe and hurried to catch the next bus to Pasar Oleh Oleh. That place was rather disappointing. Pictures are with dear again. We went for a spa, quite reasonably priced, I guess, SGD$44 for 2hours. Never go for a body scrub after you tan. Seriously. I was quite mad at jason for bringing me to spa. I screamed inwardly each time the person scrubbed my arms and back. Really, really, HURTS!
It was quite awkward too, since it's my first time going for a spa. The woman told us to 'take off everything and change into this'. The 'this' is disposable underwear. I was just...lost. So I took off my clothes, changed into the disposable underwear and wore back everything else. And just stood there, not knowing what to do. So jason opened the door and called another woman. She told us to change into the disposable underwear and then wrap the sarong around ourselves. And both of us went...ohhhhh..
Throughout the spa, jason was behind the curtain, so I couldn't see what happened. But apparently the person serving him helped him 'krak krak', by asking him to put his hands behind his head and then twisting his body left and right until his back has the 'krak krak' sound. The scarier one was putting her hands on his chin and top of his head a la killing people style by twisting the neck. One-two-three twist! KRAK! Lol. Luckily I didn't have that.
But the whole session was not as relaxing as I thought, me being ticklish and then her massaging too hard on my calves that I was cringing in agony. At the beginning, the woman kept burping too, which was rather rude. Wonder what she ate.
There was this other couple in the next room, and the guy said very loudly in mandarin "WAH. 我第一次穿这种 disposable underwear leh!" If only he knew that everyone else could hear, I think he would be so embarassed.
After lying there for sometime, the woman asked me to turn over. All this while I was lying on my front, and remember, I wasn't wearing anything else but the sarong, which by this time she had opened to just cover my back. So my mind went into a moment of panic, until she took a small towel and told me to use it to cover the front. The towel is really small, just enough to cover my boobs. After I was done, she took up the sarong and asked me to turn over. I quickly did so and made sure my towel was in place before she put the sarong down again.
This process repeated for the body scrub. When she slathered on the scrub mixture, I was really cold and trying hard not to shiver so much that I was clenching my muscles. Ugh. So cold. And then I wished she would please scrub faster so that the mixture would evaporate and then I won't feel so cold.
The woman on jason's side kept pushing her butt against the curtain and bumping my arm. I didn't know where else to put it lah.
After the whole session was over, the woman told me that it was time to go wash off everything in the little shower stall standing in the corner of the room, miss first okay? So, shivering and feeling the aftereffects of having scrubbed a sunburnt skin, I stepped into the shower thing and began to wash off all the oil and scrub mixture. My hands were so slippery I couldn't twist the shower thing such that the water came out from the top and not from the seats. Seriously, how does one shower with the water jetting out from the small small area of a seat? Then the drainage system wasn't that good either as I realised the water level was slowly rising and threatening to spill out onto the room's cloth flooring. So I had to fiddle with the tap again and wait in the cold while the water slowly drains out.
I don't think I was ever so glad to be able to wear my clothes again and step out from the room, feeling warm and snug again. Relief.
After jason was done, we went to pay and they gave us this survey questionnaire regarding their service. I finally got to see the person who helped me massage in the daylight, since the room was dim and I didn't have my eyes open alot. (I didn't know where to look 'cos she kept looking at me.) After I filled the form, the woman took it and was looking at it while I was still there. Luckily I didn't write any mean thing or gave them bad feedback or I might not had been able to get out of there. Lol. But I didn't give her a full 'excellent' rating because I thought the treatment overall was rather normal. I think she was quite.. I dunno. Angry? But the treatment refers to the type, not her service, right?
Walked around Pasar Oleh Oleh some more after that, which was really quite easy since it was so quiet. There were only a few shops, a grand total of 2 minimarts and about 3 restaurants. Jason went to the washroom and so I was standing beside this bicycle when a local came up to me and started talking to me about the bus, taking a cab, calling a cab to go to the local town, blah, blah. It was another awkward moment, because I was standing some distance away from the bicycle but he came and sat on it. So I didn't know whether to move nearer or stand where I was. I kept looking in the direction where jason disappeared off to, hoping he would come back quickly. I really don't know how to handle such situations. And I thought he was one of the taxi drivers or something, trying to get business. Dear finally reappeared and then after awhile, we left the man and could go walk around again. The next bus back to the resort was still a long time away and we had absolutely nothing else to do. So we thought we would go eat dinner at one of the restaurants HELO HELO (oleh oleh, get it?) before we left. Lo and behold, the same man was there again, giving us the menu to look at. So now we know he's not a taxi driver.
When he knew we were looking at seafood, he told us to look at the other pages in the menu that had cheaper and similar dishes. When we asked about the fish, he told us they don't have fresh fish anymore, and the frozen ones were not nice. Then when we said, ok then how about dessert, like ice cream or something, he told us the ice cream is very small and the flavours are limited. We might as well buy from the minimarts. Ok, so it seems like he is a restaurant worker who doesn't want us to eat there. So we thanked him and went to the minimart to buy keropok and ice cream. After we came out from the minimart, we saw the same man opening up tables for the restaurant. That guy must be really honest and helpful if he really was the restaurant employee. Funny guy.
So with nothing else to do, we sat at this big traditional indonesia pavillion and munched keropok until the bus came.
After taking pictures and climbing onto the rocks for sometime, we headed back to the hotel and went to the bar for some drinks.
And for the last picture.. a tired and tanned baby falling asleep. (Scrubbed skin gleaming too) We just decided to rest in the lobby to wait for the land transport to the ferry terminal.
I had a really wonderful and relaxing time at Bintan. Lazy days just spent lying on the beach or at the poolside, walking around exploring, enjoying the sea breeze that almost froze me. Most of all, I got to spend time with my dear boyfriend jason hau! Love you loads!