
I think I attract weirdos. My friends should know.

There are many weirdos around my estate too. There's this guy who 'jogs' around the void deck carrying 2 inside-out fairprice plastic bags (one in each hand). He will just go round and round the randomly selected void deck of the day with goodness knows what in the plastic bags. His shoes have super high soles, which me and my sis suspect are stuck on by him. We have the mental image of him going around finding soles from other shoes and then carefully sticking it onto his special jogging pair of shoes.

Today, as I was on the bus to IMM to meet the boyfriend, the bus stopped at a traffic light. From the corner of my eye, I saw this lorry stop just beside the bus and I felt that the passenger was facing me. So out of reflex, I turned towards the lorry. GOODNESS. The guy was smiling at me. Damn creepy can. I quickly turned away, although I could still see that his face was still facing me. Creepy guy.
