Went to see a tcm for my ankle today. First visit to the new (okay, not so new 'cos it's been there for 1 year already) tcm clinic at cck centre and it also became my first time having accupuncture done for treatment. It was quite scary, to have needles poked into the affected area, which was why I never wanted to try accupuncture and always went with tui na whenever possible.
The fear didn't really set in until I saw her opening the packets of needles. That was when my mind went crazy and my heart started pounding. I've not liked needles ever since the hep B blood test in sec 3. The physician took the needles and rubbed my foot to find which points she needed to poke. Then when she stuck the needles in, I clutched the pillow very tightly. And as if that wasn't bad enough, she twisted the needle and pushed them in further. That was when the needle really struck the nerve and caused major pain up the whole stretch of my leg. This was followed by pressing some parts of my leg and inducing unimaginable pain in places I never knew would and could feel pain. It was very terrifying man.
After she had stuck in all the required needles and left me, I tried to move my leg. A sharp pain just jerked up my foot. After that, I didn't dare to move my leg again until she removed the needles. Thankfully, it didn't hurt as much when she removed the needles. But there was still a slight prickling sensation as she did. Oh man. I don't think I will be brave enough to go through another accupuncture session.
After I came home, my foot still feels achy but I decided to take a nap. But I was awoken by a horrible nightmare. Some very mean friend sent me an email of a picture. I clicked to open the picture, but it was by default, blown up very big so I could only see one small part of the image. So I had to zoom it out to see the picture clearly. As I zoomed out, the scary face of the woman in the picture came to view, and before I knew it, the face was staring right at me. I wanted to close the window, but I couldn't see where I was clicking clearly, so I had to keep uncovering my eyes to see. So I had to see the scary thing as much as I didn't want to. After several unsuccessful attempts, I screamed for my mother. I recall not being able to scream loudly enough; my voice was stuck in my throat. Then with one final scream, I was jolted from the nightmare. I heard someone opposite my block calling for his mother. That was where I got the sound of my voice stuck in my throat. I hadn't been shouting for my mom, I had heard the boy's calls.
So just now, when my mom got home from redhill, I told her about this nightmare. And I love her brilliant answer. She said, "Of course you had a nightmare. You just had accupuncture." So this again proves how my dreams are always a mish-mash of my reality, and how accupuncture and dreams don't mix.
The fear didn't really set in until I saw her opening the packets of needles. That was when my mind went crazy and my heart started pounding. I've not liked needles ever since the hep B blood test in sec 3. The physician took the needles and rubbed my foot to find which points she needed to poke. Then when she stuck the needles in, I clutched the pillow very tightly. And as if that wasn't bad enough, she twisted the needle and pushed them in further. That was when the needle really struck the nerve and caused major pain up the whole stretch of my leg. This was followed by pressing some parts of my leg and inducing unimaginable pain in places I never knew would and could feel pain. It was very terrifying man.
After I came home, my foot still feels achy but I decided to take a nap. But I was awoken by a horrible nightmare. Some very mean friend sent me an email of a picture. I clicked to open the picture, but it was by default, blown up very big so I could only see one small part of the image. So I had to zoom it out to see the picture clearly. As I zoomed out, the scary face of the woman in the picture came to view, and before I knew it, the face was staring right at me. I wanted to close the window, but I couldn't see where I was clicking clearly, so I had to keep uncovering my eyes to see. So I had to see the scary thing as much as I didn't want to. After several unsuccessful attempts, I screamed for my mother. I recall not being able to scream loudly enough; my voice was stuck in my throat. Then with one final scream, I was jolted from the nightmare. I heard someone opposite my block calling for his mother. That was where I got the sound of my voice stuck in my throat. I hadn't been shouting for my mom, I had heard the boy's calls.
So just now, when my mom got home from redhill, I told her about this nightmare. And I love her brilliant answer. She said, "Of course you had a nightmare. You just had accupuncture." So this again proves how my dreams are always a mish-mash of my reality, and how accupuncture and dreams don't mix.