
I think i've been lugging too many things in my bag these days. And lugging them around school for longer durations than usual. Both my shoulders seem to be on the verge of breaking and I think there's a crick or something in the right side of the small of my back.

I'm complaining on my blog because jason refuses to let me complain to him until i see a doctor. I just want to rest a few days and see how it is. Don't think the problem is that serious.

We suspect weedweed suffered a stroke the other day. His head was tilted to one side and he kept walking around in circles. Couldn't sit up straight, kept falling over. But I read online that hamsters usually recover from strokes within a few days or weeks, and true enough, he was back to furiously biting his cage 2 days later. Furiously. He can be so adorable sometimes. See, he can play ds :]
